ammadoux2: black scrub robin, black bush robin
Ger Bosma: Ospreytality
Rosa Gamboias: Crowned Sandgrouse (Pterocles coronatus)
Mike Barth Photography: Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) Juvenile
Mike Barth Photography: Slate-throated Whitestart (Myioborus miniatus)
johnlivesley: Wheatear M
johnlivesley: Stonechat Male
ajmtster: Satyrus actaea (Esper 1781)
Ger Bosma: Redsta(a)rt
Pervez 183A: approaching San Francisco, 02March22.04
ecwillet: kinglet
Titole: Eclairage personnel **--- °--°
anacm.silva: Sapphire-vented Puffleg
shay connolly: _Y2A3512
Deborah Freeman: I have been following this couple for many years. The 1st female was shot and now this new family ( the parents of the previous juvenile) are doing beautifully.
Deborah Freeman: Can't wait to see this couple again, once the winds die down and we can get out in our boats.
Dave 2x: Leaden Flycatcher (Myiagra rubecula)
leendert3: Swanson's Spurfowl
gerdavs: African Wildcat
Margaret S.S: ~ Mr Fox ~
jade2k: Colors and Feelings
Raghuvir solanki: White-naped tit
Raghuvir solanki: Bay backed shrike
Raghuvir solanki: European roller
Raghuvir solanki: European roller
Raghuvir solanki: Rufous-tailed lark
anacm.silva: Falaropo-de-bico-grosso / Red phalarope
anacm.silva: Combatente / Ruff
Rosa Gamboias: Estrelinha-de-cabeça-listada | Common firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla)
jade2k: Healing and Inspiration