swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Blue Jay's dropped in to help themselves to the peanuts in my bird feeder.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Dark eyed Junco, first one this year. Canadian arctic tundra bird that winters over in the lower great lakes.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
We received around an inch of snow today and the bird feeder has been very busy. There were more blue jays ( I counted at least 8 ) today a long with the other birds.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Eastern Northern Flicker. The western has red on it's tail where the yellow is on this one.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Eastern Northern Cardinal, Showing up now at my feeder.
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European Starling, I think these are a neat looking bird because of the coloring.
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Morning Doves, Have a flock of them daily, mostly in the evening.
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The lady bird half of one of the three pairs od Cardinals I have coming to visit the feeder.
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Darkeyed Junco.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Ice patterns on my kitchen window caused by the extream cold on the outside when the moisture inside the house froze on the window.
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The badlands of the Fremont Range.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Pond out in my backyard is frozen over except where the aireators are running.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Ice patterns on my kitchen window during the sub zero weather.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Arctic Sunset, one cold night in the neighborhood.
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Winter Landschap
Martine Lambrechts:
Mistige en Koude Ochtend
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Dikke Mist met Zon
Martine Lambrechts:
Dikke Mist
Martine Lambrechts:
Aanvriezende Mist
Martine Lambrechts:
Martine Lambrechts:
Koude Ochtend
Sunday vibes with jazzy blues at Geoffrey’s Inner Circle
Red Barn
Goodnight Loon book at Mall of America, 7 Oct 2023