Michael W. Potter: Eared Grebe (first fall) with feather
Michael W. Potter: Pileated Woodpecker male eating berry
Michael W. Potter: Royal Tern
Michael W. Potter: Snow Bunting female
Michael W. Potter: American Avocet
Michael W. Potter: Western Meadowlark singing from haybale
Michael W. Potter: Vesper Sparrow singing
Michael W. Potter: Wilson's Phalarope male in flight
Michael W. Potter: Dickcissel male
Michael W. Potter: Dickcissel male singing
Michael W. Potter: Upland Sandpiper wings up
Michael W. Potter: Brown Thrasher with food
Michael W. Potter: Burrowing Owl landing with food
Michael W. Potter: Eared Grebe adult with three young
dcnelson1898: Egret with Its Dinner
scooterk70: Chasing Off
glenn.nilstorp: Mallard - Mr. Green
Greatoutdoorman: Elegance
Michael W. Potter: Eared Grebe feeding young
Michael W. Potter: Eared Grebe adults feeding young
Fausto Deseri: Mestolone
pakart62: In the light, Gray ghost, male Northern Harrier
christianeleouet1: Grand cormoran
Matti Saranpää: Picking flowers
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Slavonian Grebe (URN: 2994)
JEO126: Greater scaup drake
didier.michelle.ferrand: Avocette élégante
boonloke: APART