Simon's utak: Shafts of winter sunshine
Simon's utak: London girl
Simon's utak: Smooth and spiky
Don Briggs: Rain Forest, Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA
Simon's utak: Celebrating 60 years
Tom Powell: Lowballs, Arcadia, NC, 2020
e-frame: Christmas time
Simon's utak: Daisies
cantilena91: Life Begins Anew...
Kirk Lougheed: Both Sides Now
Kirk Lougheed: Backroad
gskipperii: Expansive fall color at Lundy Canyon-Eastern Sierra CA
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Colibri à gorge rubis/ Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Merci pour 10M de vues. Thanks for 10M views 10M: Ours noir/ American black bear
Simon's utak: Beetle wing mirror
Lens and Shutter: The colorful trees. Great Spotted Woodpecker Grey Squirrel European Robin
Don Briggs: Love Locks, Chambers Bay Park
Lens and Shutter: Lush green atmosphere.
gskipperii: Porcupine getting its chomp on- Uinta Wasatch Mountains Utah
Don Briggs: Dahlia on Dahlies
Simon's utak: Let there be light Pheasant Grey Squirrel
The Bird Whisperer: P365-242 Poppy
michel-hou: osteospermum eklonis