UMAX_Boren: DSC05939-1
陳伸維: WAY_9132
里卡豆: 大里福興宮|台中 Taichung
里卡豆: 大麻粉圓|逢甲夜市
euyoung: PEN F Quiz | 12
juor2: DSC_7838
陳伸維: 列印
陳伸維: 列印
里卡豆: 香港夜景|Hong kong
UMAX_Boren: DSC06119-1
Marie.L.Manzor: Dreamy landscape
Ostseetroll: Rapeseed in bloom in Holstein
里卡豆: Skytree|晴空塔
里卡豆: 蘇澳漁港|宜蘭
Brode十三: DPPA00005352
dasanes77: Albufera Memories.
里卡豆: 國立新美術館|六本木 Tokyo
pauldunn52: Weary Eyes
Sebastian Bayer: Dreamscape - Porto Fino, Italy
Eiki Wang: 西芳寺(苔寺) Moss garden of Saihoji
里卡豆: 鳳凰花|嘉義
john0908heart1: DSCF9447
aleshurik: holding on the air..
Stoates-Findhorn: Fiery Findhorn
lina zelonka: and why do we go to the forest anyway? what does it give us? what does it tell us? who do we find?