Larry Daugherty: Guarding the nesting site............D800
dbking2162: red headed woodpecker
Larry Daugherty: Snowy egret at Jefferson Island, Louisiana..........D800
laurie.mccarty: DSC_2839=3Bluejay
RKop: Harrier
Massimo Greco *: Cinciallegra (Parus major)
Annelise LE BIAN: Manchot du Cap (Spheniscus demersus) J'ai fait des contorsions pour ne pas avoir de reflets !I made contortions to have no reflections!
Rajeev India (THANKS for views, comments n faves): 1IMG_3238 Bear Park, Bern, Switzerland - Rest time
Gary McHale: White Ibis
DavidAlan48: Chaffinch
KatieKal: 3-29-16 (182) Macro in Blue
jjjj56cp: 5813ex P900 rooftop Kea
DavidAlan48: Treecreeper
JimP (in Sarnia): Myanmar - Sunrise at U-Bein Bridge
Mobile Lynn: Chaco Owl D50_4520.jpg
Massimo Greco *: Ballerina gialla (Motacilla cinerea)
Eltonpang: DFN_4201
Hugo Albuquerque: Viajante dos mares
angchengsan9: Ceyx erithaca, Black Back Kingfisher has a beautiful tail
D200-PAUL: Osprey Looks Right for Potential Thieves at Ding Darling, Florida
makro10nh: Coenosia tigrina
bestshot_photos: American Kestrel with a dinner quest
Símon Hrafn: Puffin.
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Martín pescador - Alcedo atthis
woodpeckerian: 白背鷚 Pechora Pipit (TAIWAN)
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Ready for Take-Off
Susan Roehl: Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona)
D200-PAUL: Snow Leopard with Cocked Head at the Memphis Zoo, Tennessee
leendert3: Female Red-backed Shrike