kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Kentucky Warbler under heavy tree canopy
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Kentucky Warbler
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Prothonotary Warbler
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Short exposure showing highlights of moons peaks
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Tonights Moon
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Great Blue Heron
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Golden Plover
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Grasshopper Sparrow
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Clearwing Hummingbird Moth
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Common Yellowthroat
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Common Yellowthroat
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Morning Meal
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Yellow Warbler
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Waning Light
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Prairie Warbler, ISO 6400
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Prairie Warbler in song
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Chipping Sparrow in Song
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Northern Parula
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
I Just Left the Nest
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Portrait
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Getting Bigger Every Day
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Great Horned Owlet
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Where's Mommy with the Food?
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
American Kestrel
kevinm66 (aka "The Bird Whisperer"):
Snowy Egret