Eti 2811962: He had a wife, humble, obedient and quiet and three children
raulmiguelmantilla: Lavanda way
Gheorghia: Dimmi che colore ha il silenzio dei miei occhi in fondo ai tuoi
Gufoblu: A spasso per Villanova (Strolling around Villanova) * Explored *
Nespyxel: The gate of Bonaria
Kay-Augustin-Photographie: final destination
fungiphotoholic: horsefly
loic.pettiti: Aquatic landscape
Carlos F. Turienzo: Blue Flow II
roy rimmer: Wasp decapitating common green bottle fly.
Dylan Toh: Knocking on Heaven's door
stephanie.fiori7: Etang Fontmerle Manhattan skyline, panoramic view in front of 42nd street
stephanie.fiori7: Avec ses petits enfants
Ratsiola: Autumn colours
lapitchounette06: Lac d Allos
lapitchounette06: Lac d Allos
lapitchounette06: Butterfly
lapitchounette06: Lac d Allos
lapitchounette06: Lac d Allos