cbelato (sometimes out): - Star of Winter? (4)
Jürgen Kornstaedt: Virtual letterbox
prueheron: See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
rmc sutton: Spokane: Riverfront Park .2021
Deborah Hughes Photography: GIVING UP TO GRAVITY = MOVEMENT
SpitMcGee: _there is life everywhere
me*voilà: the waiting game
Studio d'Xavier: Rattlesnake Jack
montanatom1950: Brush Lake State Park. In Montana
msdonnalee: hard to ignore
Studio d'Xavier: What is This?
j-françoisrenard: 2 belles fleurs jaunes
msdonnalee: give me a break
long.fanger: vantage point
judi may: Life happens, coffee helps...
Sergei P. Zubkov: Auguste Rodin (1840 – 1917) Monumental Head of Balzac, 1897, bronze, Musée Rodin, Paris
Gil Walker: between the blues
matinaluz: 2021.03.17
c vin: claustrophobia
Studio d'Xavier: Tea Time
Gil Walker: checker 3D
Gil Walker: tinsel time
B. jeweled: shades of autumn
ebergcanada: Rainforest
ebergcanada: Red Rock Window
Deborah Hughes Photography: WOODWINDS IN WATER