nealesbirds: Greater Spotted Woodpecker - Gibraltar Point Lincolnshire.
PETEJLB: Short-eared Owl
peterspencer49: Kingfisher
Jim Beers: Dunlin
Wild Pixel Safaris: Winda relaxing at sunrise!
Tim Melling: Scarlet Tanager in Yorkshire
BSOutdoorImages: Merlin - female (Falco columbarius)
nigel.sprowell: Whooper Swan
normanwest4tography: Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus
normanwest4tography: Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Black-crowned Night Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
Nature Exposed: Montagu's Harrier, Circus pygargus
Nature Exposed: Griffon Vulture, Gyps fulvus
Rafal Szozda: Sójki, Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius) ... 2024r
Mike Barth Photography: Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus)
Ted Smith 574: Taken from the Scillonian today - Cory’s Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater and Gannet 😊
colin 1957: stonechat (2)
steveremley: Lapland Longspur-1355
peterspencer49: Kingfisher (f)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Marsh Harrier (URN: 2496)
mrm27: Arctic Warbler (phylloscopus borealis)
Marcelo Muñoz R.: Chincol, Quilimarí. Sept24_4-DeNoiseAI-standard
Stuart_Allen: Pine Marten_C6A6941
Gregg White: Waxwing
Lauren Tucker Photography: Black Phoebe - Sayornis nigricans
iancook95: Preening.
mandokid1: Brown thrasher.
Paul M Loader: Long live the king