WiltsWildAboutBirds: Desert Wheatear
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Short Eared Owl
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Short Eared Owl
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Yellow Warbler
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Alpine Swift - a little action shot to end 2024 with. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy new year thanks for following in 2024 and here’s to many more photos. Best wishes Neil
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Black Redstart
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Song Thrush
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Lapland Bunting - this bird was magnificent today what a joy
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Desert Wheatear female
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Olive Backed Pipit
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Greater Short Toed Lark
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Olive Backed Pipit
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Cretzschmar’s Bunting
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Alpine Swift
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Laughing Dove
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Ruppells Warbler - male
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Purple Heron
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Oystercatcher
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Bonaparte's gull (Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Local urban Fox outside the house tonight chilling in the evening sunshine
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Caspian Tern - one of the two birds I photographed yesterday
WiltsWildAboutBirds: American Golden Plover Adult.
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Stonechat Male recently taken photo in Spring 2024 Lesvos
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Love this shot as the Common Tern hunts on the Damselflies low over the lake at Cotswold Water Park
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Sardinian Warbler - male
WiltsWildAboutBirds: Red Rumped Swallow