Geoff France: Mans' Best Valenican Friend
guitarjeff2810: _DSF0777
gzabramny: Another daisy.jpg
Peter Jaspers: Every journey begins just with a single step
alexv1038: Sunrise
Alik Tarnopolsky: Limenitis reducta
enthusiastically unskilled: Motacilla sp. (Yellow Wagtail)
Adam Swaine: Ringstead Village Centre Norfolk...
Fencejo: El bokeh de Porst
afreeman13b: DSCF6305
afreeman13b: DSCF6320
hapePHOTOGRAPHIX: Où sont-ils ?
kennethcanada1: Breakfast At Paul's Omelettery, 2211 Granville st. Vancouver BC.
kennethcanada1: Mother Earth, Gives Us Beauty.
kennethcanada1: Alway's Try, To Tell A Story.
korbischwertl92: Schnecke in Infrarot-Schwarz-Weiß und einmal in Farbe (konvertiert/per Software koloriert)
Christine_S.: red ranunculus
abbilder: Der Berliner Dom bei Nacht
aussieinyellow: Dog Whisperer
moggierocket: Happy Thanksgiving!
Alicja Zmysłowska: Fallen Leaves