ian_woodhead1: Badgers
zulbaning: Crestless Fireback
PETEJLB: Barn Owl/Common Kestrel
BN Singh: American Kestrel
BN Singh: Gadwall
Matt Clancy Wildlife Photography: Rough-throated Leaf-tailed Gecko (Saltuarius salebrosus)
Michel Roesink: Roerdomp / Eurasian bittern / Botaurus stellaris
Janet Cunningham: Week 5/52 | Wabi Sabi
Akil Alparslan: The ruler of derelict roofs_
Lindi m: Another New Day
Gord Sawyer: Snowy Owl
marieroy0808: Gélinotte Huppée - Ruffed Grouse
Gord Sawyer: Hooded Merganser
roberto parmiggiani: Ruff - combattente
bartbies: Clangula hyemalis
Ian N. White: Red-billed Teal (Anas erythrorhyncha)
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Hibou des marais - Short eared owl
Eric Gofreed: Black-collared Hawk
dgangle: Wood Duck Hen - high res close up head shot
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Hibou des marais - Short eared owl
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Hibou des marais - Short eared owl
Gord Sawyer: Coyote
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Petite nyctale - Northern saw-whet owl
RJSchutDigitaal: Groene kikker - Green frog - Rana esculenta synklepton
Earl Reinink: A good spread.
Wildlife_2010: Red squirrel
hotte54: Sumpfohreule..
RJSchutDigitaal: Geelsprietdikkopjes - Small Skipper - Braunkolbiger Braun - Hespérie de la houque -Thymelicus sylvestris
Barrie Brown CPAGB: Harvest Mouse Portrait