daniwaage: 20140721_7366
Nina Wild {Four Corners Photography}: 12/52 Tiny Details That Make Me Want to Freeze Time
grammylovesu: 03-25-untitled-5
ColoradoKnitter: Father's-Day7
Melinda KSB: 23:52 Happy
Kristen Fair: 139:365 Parachute (PTM 17:52 Movement)
13misaliss: 25/52 Vacation
erin.mason1: Cousins FINAL 2 wm
sam_budd80: 19/52 - Awaken
kensiemalmfeldt: movement
Sus1e31: Awaken
Rachele Rae: 17/52 Movement
Melinda KSB: 16:52 Quirks
Preappy: Lights
MyRedWellies: 11{52} Dreams
Sus1e31: Details That Make Me Want To Freeze Time
Melinda KSB: 11:52 Dream come true
Photos de Santos: 10/52 {Out of the Comfort Zone}
Darlajean1984: 13/52 Waiting (PTM)
fotomaama: Simple