ColoradoKnitter: I read this book so many years ago, and it never left me. Every few years I dust it off and read it again. I have been waiting to share it with him, and finally felt the time was right.
ColoradoKnitter: New project on the loom. As for the first one? We shall never speak of it again 😄. It is going in a bag far far away, only to be pulled once I have mastered this darn craft, and I can finally laugh at the horrid nature that poor piece of fabric was
ColoradoKnitter: Morning.
ColoradoKnitter: It took forever to get him down, but oh my he is just too cute to try and interrupt.
ColoradoKnitter: Finishing
ColoradoKnitter: She has needed to sleep like this a lot lately. She wakes up every little bit and makes sure I am still close by. We lock eyes, and she drifts back. I wish all of life's issues were this easy to solve.
ColoradoKnitter: 101 rows done. 404 left. 19 days to go. I am not loving the math on this one :).
ColoradoKnitter: Daddy reading him his birthday story. Good end to a beautiful day,
ColoradoKnitter: Someone turns 4 today!!! 🎈🎉
ColoradoKnitter: Winter decided to make an appearance. We (including my daffodils that already popped, in February) were beginning to think we might escape it entirely.
ColoradoKnitter: Landon's construction birthday cake. 🎁🎉
ColoradoKnitter: Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes. You made my day, truly. 39. It is going to be a great year!
ColoradoKnitter: Birthday lunch. Can't believe I am 39. Last year in this decade, and it's been a great one.
ColoradoKnitter: Let's stop time. Just you and I.
ColoradoKnitter: Gluten free beignets. Not exactly what I remember, but not a bad first try.
ColoradoKnitter: Trying something new.
ColoradoKnitter: Hitching a ride.
ColoradoKnitter: Good friends, good food.
ColoradoKnitter: Soaking up the sunshine. It is so warm here, he could ski in shorts if he wanted too.
ColoradoKnitter: Our Valentine's Day project is done for daddy. ❤️
ColoradoKnitter: Just a few more minutes here, before everyone begins to wake, and the day has to really start.
ColoradoKnitter: Love bubbles :). Up on the blog today.
ColoradoKnitter: Flower arranging and candle making in the evening.
ColoradoKnitter: Love is in the air ❤️.
ColoradoKnitter: My Italian breakfast. Now I just need a cappuccino and I would be golden.
ColoradoKnitter: Evening fair isle. #knittersofinstagram
ColoradoKnitter: It is the smallest, most insignificant piece of paper. Except to me. To me, it is the drawing I will frame, because she is starting to create. My baby girl is finding a piece of paper, pencil, and tape to be the most exquisite thing we can give her, and I
ColoradoKnitter: A ballerina doing yard work.
ColoradoKnitter: Breakfast prep.
ColoradoKnitter: Feeling better.