rtw80d: DSC_f8487
rtw80d: DSC_8797
LauraSorrells: a sense of antiquity
Iyhon Chiu: 東京・善福寺 ∣ Zenpukuji ・Tokyo
JSAL1957: Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Romero
Felice_Miccadei: ... occasionally shooting ...
Rich Levine: Tempted To Cheat
couscousdelux: Noise and the way out
José Miguel Serna: Peña Olvidada
leucadendron: Melaleuca cordata. Flower.
ruhama quadir: haunted
judi may: I like pink as a rule...
shinichiro*: sunlight shining through clouds
kenny barker: Foggy Antonine
couscousdelux: Seahorses
Miguelnov: Árbol junto al mar
Miguelnov: sequía
Miguelnov: Caminando
barry crosthwaite: 1991 Barbershop
barry crosthwaite: Into the Mist
barry crosthwaite: The Promise of Dawn
barry crosthwaite: Tea Harvest
g2gdeen: DSC_2757
g2gdeen: DSC_1699
g2gdeen: DSC_4317
Sparkling World: Izumo-taisha 出雲大社
mag-cristi: Family vacation
couscousdelux: I saw the light
Phil Sharp.: DSCF3312bcopy