Elma_Ben: Stari - Starling - Sturnus vulgaris
venturidonatella: Cuba- La Habana
ep_jhu: Looking up at the heavens
Elma_Ben: Stormsvala - Storm Petrel - Hydrobates pelagicus
Kjartan Guðmundur: The Rising Moon
Benóný: The artic Tern arguing about some fish
alfheidur magnus: Skælingur á milli Loðmundarfjarðar og Húsavíkur í Víkum
VivienC0201: Flower In A Winter Morning
VivienC0201: Cherry Blossom
VivienC0201: All This World
VivienC0201: Hope There's Someone
Maxim Maximov: Portrait
channel locks: Lady of the Sands
warassy1: BW tulips
jonrrr: First light - Vestrahorn
Foto_Fix_Automat: open doors
AriCatalán: Tesoro: transporte público
Leo Reynolds: telephone engineer
kapete: stereographic staircase 2
ThGTh: Reykjavík, Imagine Peace Tower
ThGTh: Playing with waves
ThGTh: Vestfirdir patreksfjordur
ThGTh: Vestfirdir raudisandur
ThGTh: Kiel
sharkoman: Leone Fiorentino
GBen: Green Curve II
venturidonatella: India- Rajasthan- near Bhadrajoon