ep_jhu: Red-tailed hawk looking for breakfast
ep_jhu: Cat Food
ep_jhu: Deny Defend Depose
ep_jhu: At the edge of the ocean
ep_jhu: Balconies
ep_jhu: Erosion Damage
ep_jhu: Leatherback Turtle Warning Sign
ep_jhu: Gulf fritillary (Dione vanillae)
ep_jhu: Zebra Longwing (Heliconius charithonia)
ep_jhu: Iguana crossing the road
ep_jhu: Manuel Fernandez Juncos
ep_jhu: La Isla
ep_jhu: Garita & OSJ Buildings
ep_jhu: Holiday decoration near La Fortaleza
ep_jhu: Cartwheels at El Morro
ep_jhu: El Morro Lighthouse beyond the fortress walls
ep_jhu: Cementerio Santa María Magdalena de Pazzis & El Morro
ep_jhu: Courtyard restaurant
ep_jhu: Coffee & bun at Spiga
ep_jhu: Lunch at Spiga
ep_jhu: Abandoned House
ep_jhu: Looking toward Palo Seco and Bacardi
ep_jhu: Wood Baseball Bat Exhibit
ep_jhu: Wood Baseball Bat Exhibit
ep_jhu: Xmas Balcony
ep_jhu: Spiga
ep_jhu: Maybe take the stairs instead
ep_jhu: Red Tailed Hawk
ep_jhu: Spider Hibiscus (Hibiscus schizopetalus)
ep_jhu: Weathered Truck