Philippe_28: Houdan - les arrière-boutiques
Philippe_28: L'église St-Jacques et St-Christophe à Houdan
mr7even: InBetween
Tigersight Photography: This Was My Life
Jessie Eileen: Cannon Beach
copperknob2011: Building Work, Broadstairs
copperknob2011: Vintage Rock Pool
still~positive: black cat and two chairs
zedworks: Whoooa
zedworks: Solid Ground
alf sigaro: Paxette 35 SB
wih00522: PB240135
jean-christophe sartoris: Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski!
Ivan B Palli: Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh
samvimes_63: 2021.08.22 Basardilla #10
John C. Swanson: Bucharest, Romania
Paolo Levi: Ora imprecisata
alf sigaro: Historisch ...
uncoated99: Empty cappucino and forgotten Rolleiflex
jonathan d reid: Blyth Beach just after sunrise, 23rd January 2021
Gregory Wu: 小妞逛大街
ftyfty123: 青森県八戸市_はちのへゆーゆらんど 新八温泉_AOH_2593
ftyfty123: 青森県三沢市_AOM_2312
ftyfty123: 青森県三沢市_DSCF0035
ftyfty123: 武里 PENTAX PC35F_FUJI100_ (10)
ftyfty123: 武里 PENTAX PC35F_FUJI100_ (13)
ftyfty123: 茨城県 PENTAX PC35F_FUJI100_ (4)