Jim Kraft - WA: Short-eared Owl
elipson1: Lilac -breasted Roller
phil norton photography: Godafoss. Iceland
margelisstathis: Happy New Year from Tom (explore)
Mandenno photography: Siberian tiger - Ouwehands Dierenpark
naturalist@winneshiekwild.com: red-breasted nuthatch at Lake Meyer Park IA 116A8984
John N Hoang: Short-eared Owl taking off
LuckyMeyer: Spike im Schnee
Images from the Dark Side: The Power And The Glory
John Arthur Thompson: Zitting Cristicola (Cirsticola juncidis)
jbernard1968: ruby-crowned kinglet male (Corthylio calendula)
sdawesy1: Buzzard ( Buteo buteo )
Carlos. B: phiclides podalirius
Dave Arnold Photo: Moving right along
nitinpatel2: White-breasted Nuthatch
nshaw6: Rock Wren:
piranhabros: Dual purpose engineering
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus putnami w/ smaller spider
Nick L: Aurora Borealis over Vestrahorn Mountain
Thor Hakonsen: Atheris squamigera
Earl Reinink: Winter Wren
Ralf Hüsges: Turmfalke
patrice h: Sitelle torchepot Picardie France Novembre 24
steinliland: Brytning ved ved en døende dag
Kevin E. Fox: Ash-throated Flycatcher (lifer explored 11/18/24)