Jim Frazee: Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) in the Madison River, Yellowstone NP (1/30/2016)
spotter698: Little Bee-eater
antino.c: Darkness
PETEJLB: Common Buzzard
Mobile Lynn: Badgers at the double 903_8551.jpg
antino.c: Half&Half?
Allen Sparks: Great Blue Heron
Larry D James: Goshawk female (captive)
Christoph Wenzel: Qeqertarsuaq Graveyard
Larry D James: Badgers
Angel@ T@ylor: damselfly
Colin Pacitti: quite a forbidding look
Gladys Klip: Grondeekhoorn / ground squirrel / écureuil terrestre
Allen Sparks: Green Heron
HANI BADER: Jellyfish
davdenic: Redkite
Renee's Moment: Mount Assiniboine (EXPLORED)
Appalachian Hiker: M42 Orion Nebula
WildImages: Red Fox in the snow CSR21011
anthonynixon17: Kingfisher.
Wild Pixel Safaris: Hunting at Sunset!
Ian A Photography: The pose...
WildImages: Muddy Badger CGS24970
Mobile Lynn: Will it ever stop raining? 504_4981.jpg
Larry D James: "C'on then - if you'r tuff enuff!"