NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Black Hole's Dust Ring May Be Casting Shadows From Heart of a Galaxy
N O E L | F E A N S: Castiñeiras
Stefano Rugolo: Campanula
LauraSorrells: no need
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Quasar Tsunamis Rip Across Galaxies
hirocun: Japanese Maple Tree Started Blooming March 2020
Jabi Artaraz: Iluntzea Gorbeian
Kip Loades: What to do but whittle
stefan@aaby: Sunset in Åby
Kip Loades: The descent
rayjacobs: the universe is time's body
Jag är David: Städsegröna.
Kip Loades: Sentinel
phil winter: Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)