oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: Winter-Wonderland
Richard R. Powell: Grass in Sun
Mono Andes: Goosenecks State Park
Mono Andes: Long Dong Silver - The Spire
Mono Andes: White Pocket VI
karl11irle22: Soul catcher
Marie Hacene: Tableau de rouille -2
Lato-Pictures: Peaceful silence...
Paul Sisul: Morning Song Salt Lake Utah
Paul Sisul: Calm Before The Storm
Patinagal: kissing cousins
Patinagal: game day
Patinagal: sitting pretty
Patinagal: watch Nunn grow
Patinagal: lonely streets
roelivtil: Parelmoervlinder / Fritillary
foto guy Terry: Continental Divide
Titole: Moment de grâce *----+
Titole: Matin glacial **---+--°
Titole: Chaotique ***--+----°
john.woodal: 20241104-234
john.woodal: 20241104-455
Didier THEAU: Sortie matinale
@wilder_action: Shield bugged
kjw010: Ariel's Heart
*Darlene*: When Mother Nature allows your posterior to be as intricately delicate and ornate as this, it deserves to have its fleeting moment in the sunshine just as unquestionably as its charming face does.
*Darlene*: The appearance of a stoic facade doesn't always accurately mimic the pandemonium happening from within, so we ought to always remind ourselves to remain gracious. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: I can't utter even one single word to build upon the enchantment of a vision such as this, as the sights, sounds and scents of it already fill the framework entirely, so I'll just leave that up to all of your refined flights of imagination. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: There's no one left to warm her chilled walls or to keep his tarnished wheels rolling, so they stay perched where they stand and soberly whisper long ago lullabies to one another as they steadily fuse with the earth they were left on.
*Darlene*: I got to this one first, but after I'm done with it, you must read the one about the pig with the wooden leg in 'Laughter, the Best Medicine' on page 11 and the story about 'Life among the Beatniks' on page 64.