In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Bunny Harvestman, Metagryne bicolumnata, Opiliones
Alan Thornhill: Anelosimus vittatus with egg sac
georgedunkling2018: Theridion Anelosimus vittatus (2)
Adam Pavella: Pardosa cf. lugubris
Adam Pavella: Trochosa cf. robusta
Adam Pavella: Pisaura mirabilis, a young male
Adam Pavella: Amaurobius fenestralis female
tho.pieper: Agroeca brunnea, Feenlämpchenspinne, Liocranidae, Feldspinnen
Gary L Warner: hemicloea major, ground spider 16 february 2008
graftedno1: Just out 4 a walk
tho.pieper: Linothele fallax Dipluridae/Spinne/funnel-web tarantula Tarsus/Bein/leg
tho.pieper: Argiope bruennichi Wespenspinne
tho.pieper: Lycosidae/Wolfspinne mit Eikokon
tho.pieper: Lycosidae Pardosa amentata gebänderte Wolfspinne mit Eikokon
tho.pieper: Salticidae, Telamonia spec. / Springspinne - jumping spider, Thailand, Khao Lak, Baan Krating Resort
tho.pieper: Amaurobiidae, Amaurobius fenestralis, Finsterspinne
tho.pieper: Lycosidae, Wolfspinne, Rommanee Hot Springs, Thailand
tho.pieper: Tetragnatha montana, Streckerspinne oder Dickkieferspinne / long-jawed spider
tho.pieper: Heteropoda davidbowie, Sparassidae, Riesenkrabbenspinne / huntsman spider
Thomas Shahan: Male Habronattus virgulatus Jumping Spider - Arizona
jciv: Meshweaver - Arachtober 18
Sylvester K: Arachtober 19th: Black and yellow
suekelly52: House Guest!
Wanderin' Weeta: Just patrolling for sowbugs
GTV6FLETCH: NS3 Dance 14x
teawren15: Hide and Seek
teawren15: And Found
Goshzilla - Dann: Longbodied Cellar Spider (Pholcus phalangioides)