Gary L Warner: chawan hasu - teabowl lotus
Gary L Warner: myrmecia species at origma reserve - can anyone identify?
Gary L Warner: soundtracker
Gary L Warner: soundtracker installation - the moon window
Gary L Warner: soundtracker - pentagonal bench
Gary L Warner: soundtracker - the oculus
Gary L Warner: inkdrop grid
Gary L Warner: inkdrop grid
Gary L Warner: singular irregularities
Gary L Warner: colournotes at ES74 gallery Sydney by gary warner
Gary L Warner: singular irregularities
Gary L Warner: inkdrop grid
Gary L Warner: inkdrop grid
Gary L Warner: inkdrop grid
Gary L Warner: soundtracker
Gary L Warner: Iridomyrmex purpureus work trail
Gary L Warner: Iridomyrmex purpureus work trail
Gary L Warner: Iridomyrmex purpureus work trail
Gary L Warner: forest kill site - rosella feathers - probably fox...
Gary L Warner: kill site - rosella feathers - probably fox ...
Gary L Warner: botanical reclamation...
Gary L Warner: jacksonia scoparia
Gary L Warner: jacksonia scoparia
Gary L Warner: jacksonia scoparia
Gary L Warner: goodenia lanata
Gary L Warner: goodenia lanata
Gary L Warner: patersonia fragilis
Gary L Warner: patersonia fragilis
Gary L Warner: Yellow-faced honeyeaters chicks in nest in bracket fern at origma reserve October 2016
Gary L Warner: elemental analogue - compression