Andrey Sulitskiy: Magnificent organ of San Sebastian Cathedral, Spain
Andrey Sulitskiy: The vault of San Sebastian Cathedral, Spain
captured by bond: 850_0317-
johnshlau: Let Your Heart Be At Peace
jackez2010: Pinson des arbres_A916116_DxO
jackez2010: Rouge-gorge A1_06372_DxO
Wildlife_2010: Red squirrel
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Blue Tit perched on a Teasel head
Franck Zumella: a common Kestrel (F) - un Faucon Crecerelle (F)
icemanphotos: Horizon
まさ masami: 20210123_005_2
Gary Norman Photo: London Street Photography
Sultan Sultani: Female Purple Finch
Ian Robin Jackson: robin in the snow
mrieffly: saison
Brigitte "Tatie Clic": Belle fin d'une journée particulièrement grise et morne
Yamabxl: This is the level of reality which know some NDE experiencers ???
Marcial Bernabéu: Spain - Ciudad Real - Valdepeñas - Plaza España
z.vago: Overture
VERODAR: Nature's Little Architect
JH_1982: Oculus, New York City, NY, USA
echumachenco: Two trees on a frosty morning (Nikon D3100 photo this time!)
Corinaldesi Roberto: "Ogni cuor g'ha 'l so segreto"
stefangruber82: Wösterspitze
stefangruber82: Bockbach-Älpele
nalle_folkblom: B94A9429