JensLPZ: My Patagonia Tour 2024: Chilenischer Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) - Chilean flamingo · · (R5B_0917)
Linda Martin Photography: Wrapping up lunch!
The Owl Man: Zipping Through The Scrub (Lazuli Bunting)
Turk Images: Yellow-headed Blackbird - Male
Geoffrey Shuen Photography: Japanese Maple Leaves (ME)-0702
Linda Martin Photography: Checking out the flying gear!
Mobile Lynn: Red Squirrel 901_7925.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Red-footed Falcon - Male 902_8623.jpg
ruthpphoto: Bobcat Kitten
Gary Faulkner's wildlife photography: Musk Orchid - Herminium monorchis
Through The Big Lens: Red breasted nuthatch, male
NicoleW0000: Eastern Chipmunk
nickinthegarden: Pelicans
Turk Images: Barrow's Goldeneye - Male
ailianfoto: _DSC6236-Enhanced-NR-Edit.jpg
Eric Gofreed: Honeysuckle Duet
Mobile Lynn: Red Deer Stag and friend 503_6858.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Great Tit 850_9483.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Sparrowhawk - Finally 850_9616.jpg
Linda Martin Photography: Northern Mockingbird
duartesol: Splash
laurie.mccarty: 850_1797 Belted Kingfisher
ricketdi: Common Yellowthroat / Paruline masquée ( Diane )
susie2778: Coming in to land!
gabicuff pix: Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)