Nina_Ali: A new day begins!
Vid Pogacnik: Monte Tamai panorama
Vid Pogacnik: Cimon della Pala from above Passo di Rolle
Vid Pogacnik: Saint-Cirq Lapopie
Vid Pogacnik: Dolomiti Friulane from Monte Raut
riddance77: Sylvensteinspeicher
hoanglongphoto: _J5K7514+16.0616.Tà Xùa.Bắc Yên.Sơn La
AEGFILM: 2016-06-12 22-09-29_1196
wentloog: Morning Mist
wentloog: Dawn Before the Storm
wentloog: Gwynfe Valley
wentloog: Lighthouse Wave
GrandJr: Anna Valley
Long Kurt: Cháu bé người Hà Nhì ở Y Tý
Juan Carlos Martins: Kodak Ultramax 400
Tàu Lạ: Ô cửa mùa xuân
Rafakoy: Pond
Long Kurt: Chiều Lai Châu
Hans Kerensky: Ikoflex 1a Prontor SV Shutter (01)
Hans Kerensky: Ikoflex 1a Reaching for the Shutter (03)
Hans Kerensky: Ikoflex 1a Reaching for the Shutter (04)
Hans Kerensky: Ikoflex 1a Prontor SV Shutter (06)
Through The Big Lens: Beautiful sunbird, male
SteveFE: Why d'you wanna go and put stars in their eyes?
flamewave_double_x: Traditional Dayak Tribe Wedding Ceremony
komehachi888: ベスト