juewes: LR_IMG_2021_297533-TS
michael heyns: Cheetah-688-PSEDIT.jpg
michael heyns: Giraffe-613-PSEDIT.jpg
michael heyns: African Black Oystercatcher-79.jpg
juewes: LR_IMG_2021_295992-TS
Willievs: White-bellied Sunbird
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juewes: LR_IMG_2020_02_08_253954
juewes: LR_IMG_2021_01_09_282745
mmostrowski: Early morning in Amboseli, Kenya
Ted Smith 574: Deep in thought.
michael heyns: Black-winged Kite
Brett Touzell: Bernier's Striped Snake
Anuj Nair: "I work very early in the morning and need my rest, so I’d appreciate it if you could lower the volume of your rapping."
Anuj Nair: Brahminy Starling
J-Marc: Calanque de Port d'Alon / Explore 11/2019
Terry Carew: Diderick's Cuckoo.
leendert3: Rattling Cisticola
David Whelan Photography: Mana Pools elephant
DevinBergquist: Blotched Palm-Pit Viper
Manon Dx: Dipsas andiana
leendert3: Preening male Saddled-billed Stork
jamesstewartuxd: Strait of Kubbholm, Norway
Nedko Nedkov: Climber
juewes: LR_IMG_2008_05_03_27732
Gomen S: Norhayati's Flying Frog - 4
Terry Carew: Ground Hornbill Portrait