ttc_80: _L1A5974
marieroy0808: Chardonneret Jaune
Ignacio Ferre: Thekla Lark
billoddie3: Jay. Garrulus Glandarius
andriot.jac: Parade
Fat Burns ☮: river bend - eastern spinebill
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Flying into the New Year
tanman2: Canada Goose
Steve Arena: Texas Sunset
Claire Dumont et Pierre Rainville: Durbec des sapins / Pine Grosbeak / (Pinicola enucleator)
richard.illingworth: Gull landing, foggy weather at Warnham
Nature birder: Orange-breasted Trogon
ninicousin: voeux
Henry Hintermeister: Foggy Delight
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Petite nyctale - Saw-whet owl
willbrown6: untitled-
willbrown6: untitled--7
willbrown6: untitled--6
jbernard1968: prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea)
JEO126: Black-capped chickadee
littleeight: P00066
ttc_80: _L1A4901
Wildreturn: Black-and-red Broadbill - Day 14 (7)
hunt.keith27: A Robin and a few interesting facts
Verisimilitude7: ShortEaredWingspan
Ken Krach Photography: Deck the Deck for the Holidays
TSM Photography: Wendouree Swampland