=Melvin the Satyr=: Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Danny W. Mansmith: hold onto joy
=Melvin the Satyr=: Victorian Christmas
Danny W. Mansmith: encouraging a forest
rwparis2: Gracie
game49: Perla e filigrana: per essere chic!
=Melvin the Satyr=: Winter Light
partickular: Up on high
=Melvin the Satyr=: Flight Out of Egypt
Deut911: Variation on a Theme-One
Deut911: Variation on a Theme-Two
deckhand: a tree grows in homer
deckhand: fog on the horizon
Harris Hui (in search of light): Living On The Street - B XTT0169e
Harris Hui (in search of light): End Of Summer - Calder XTT0215e
Cole Chase Photography: Sparks Lake Sunrise
Cole Chase Photography: Iowa Sunflower Farm Sunset
game49: Stonebalancing
deckhand: january sunset
game49: Hearts
deckhand: winter sunset
deckhand: the blond bear
Cole Chase Photography: Waterfowl Lake Reflections
Cole Chase Photography: Rowena Crest Balsamroot Sunflowers at Sunset
Cole Chase Photography: Old Abandoned Car and Spring Blooms