timmuraski: IMG_1971
timmuraski: IMG_1973
timmuraski: IMG_1962
timmuraski: P1120039
timmuraski: P1120036
timmuraski: P1120035
timmuraski: Time for some stitching......
timmuraski: Helps to "mind" the needles.
timmuraski: P1120008
timmuraski: P1120002
timmuraski: Autumn 2020
timmuraski: Autumn 2020
timmuraski: "Detroit Style" deep dish pizza.
timmuraski: Strawberry no-cook freezer jam.
timmuraski: Completed
timmuraski: Nuts on top! That's how Mom always made brownies.
timmuraski: Longing for adventure.
timmuraski: What a pleasant surprise when I arrived home from work yesterday.
timmuraski: Warping the loom
timmuraski: Organized Chaos
timmuraski: Hot out of the oven!!!!
timmuraski: Hot out of the oven!!!!
timmuraski: Hot out of the oven!!!!
timmuraski: “Remembering Doris Day!” One of our favorite movies. Oh yeah, James Garner is totally yummy in this movie!!!!
timmuraski: More chirpiness!!!
timmuraski: Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!
timmuraski: “Family Heirloom.” This table was a house warming gift to my maternal grandparents. They built a beautiful house in 1955. I’m honored to have it in our home.
timmuraski: April 27th and its snowing on my Bluebells!
timmuraski: A baked potato always deserves fresh chives!!!
timmuraski: Wow, that’s lean bacon!!! Easy dinner; BLT’s!! Not usually home early Thursday evening... no hand bell and choir practice tonight!