deckhand: big moon over western montana
deckhand: western montana sunset
deckhand: dashcam view - taylor hwy junction
deckhand: santa chuck
deckhand: arid ridge, new mexico
deckhand: setting sun in the rearview
deckhand: sunset beyond anonymous hill
deckhand: august supermoon and chiginagak
deckhand: another view (less exposed) of the supermoon
deckhand: sunset through a rainy window
deckhand: boats anchored in the creek
deckhand: birds in the bush
deckhand: kit fox and paper towel (1)
deckhand: kit fox and paper towel (2)
deckhand: blast from the 45 past
deckhand: antiques roadshow
deckhand: intersection
deckhand: deep interior
deckhand: lone tree
deckhand: muncho lake
deckhand: muncho lake and alaska highway
deckhand: rancheria river country
deckhand: autumn colors - iditarod park
deckhand: raven after my sandwich leftovers
deckhand: leadville colorado
deckhand: leadville colorado
deckhand: cano's castle
deckhand: seattle's price increase
deckhand: fungus bonanza
deckhand: world's best beer in a holiday glass