koaxial: between the years
pascallacour: Clara .
Rafael Zenon Wagner: Merry Christmas - there is still hope for 2025
echumachenco: Johannishögl and Untersberg in deep winter
KennardP: New York
SnapsByTodd62: The mysterious case of the fog in Chicago
Draculina (Anne): Berlin landmark
SnapsByTodd62: Cafe Marguerite
Roman Popelar: Hamnoy, Norway
mat56.: passeggiando
RP Major: Parliament House Melbourne
Colin McIntosh: Z62_8926-Pano: Empire State Building
.Pirx.: greeting the morning sun
Colin McIntosh: Z62_8881: Lower Manhattan
Bernd Schunack: Follow the Light!
Alexander Tkachev: Foggy morning,Ukraine,2002
Maurice Escargot: coney island
Torsten schlüter: Feuerschiff LV13 Bar Cafe Restaurant
mmmedia2010: Winter break
Andreas Komodromos: Snowstorm on 10th Avenue (silhouettes) - Chelsea, New York City
tlswan2: Hoodoo Row
Yiannis Chatzitheodorou: Stilt Fishermen Sri Lanka
Christie : Colour & Light Collection: LORNE M LEDCOR - WORKING THE FRASER RIVER, BC
Ella Sosnowski: First Snow in New Forest...
Aviller71: Paris / Montmatre
ivanpesic.la: New York! New York!
Vest der ute: Sævelandsvik, Norway
Francesc F P: Un carrer del meu poble. I si torna a nevar?