loudstone II: Magolsheim,kath.Kirche, Chor
Viki Olner: Considerations on recent facts
artbwf: The Sun Also Rises
Kat Verde-Dillingham: 🎄Happy Holidays Everybody!!!🎄
artbwf: Merry Christmas
loudstone II: Ludwigshafen,Eingang Rheingalerie
loudstone II: Randkluft
Bob Design: Acrylic sketch
Bob Design: Bear Lake portage, Algonquin Park, Ontario
artbwf: Amoeba Series
giveawayboy: local
Ben Levitt: Christmas Card - 3
sushipulla: Japanese Ink
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts: The Magi Syrian King
McClain Moore: And the Award Goes to!...
Viki Olner: Naivety
artbwf: Amoeba Series
giveawayboy: Our Lady of Czestochowa
McClain Moore: Harvest
McClain Moore: Not Your Grandfather's Drones!
artbwf: Dudgeon
giveawayboy: xmas lights
giveawayboy: purple
_macius_: Tobera
artbwf: Life Drawing
almikhlik: #teampixel Evening, windy, cold
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts: Stone Mountain Valley 石山の谷
Daniel Arrhakis - Visual Arts: Forest Shrine Spirits
Traditional Quotes and Symbols: The essence of man stands above nature. Man exists in the tension between nature (the world of created beings) and the supernatural center of existence that is beyond the world of becoming.
Leeleu Lemondrop: . . . glis . . .