Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Only that can come true which has never ceased to exist.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The message of Christ, like that of the Bible, is not a priori a teaching of metaphysical science; it is above all a message of salvation, but one that necessarily contains, under cover of an appropriate symbolism, metaphysics in its entirety.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The worth, the dignity, the whole justification of human life lies in the preservation of the chain that binds man to God, who is his origin, preserver, and end, whose Paradise is the only Paradise.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Tradition springs forth from the eternal, points at the eternal, and in the human modality of being represents the aspiration towards the eternal.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Kali Yuga
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The essence of man stands above nature. Man exists in the tension between nature (the world of created beings) and the supernatural center of existence that is beyond the world of becoming.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Quantitative aspects have no value at all, because value is, essentially, attached to quality.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Quantitative aspects have no value at all, because value is, essentially, attached to quality.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Tradition is nothing other than remembrance, and the bearing of the connection with the Origin. Modernity, however, is not only the lack of this remembrance, modernity aims at the destruction of every kind of representation of this remembrance.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Knowledge of the origin, knowledge of the path, knowledge of the all-transcending, ultimate goal: this is metaphysical tradition.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Each stage of existence has its level of truth.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
One thing is the existential determination of man, which he shares with every pebble, and another thing is his freedom, which he owes to his deiform personality and which causes him to participate in the Divine Nature.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The advancement of a technical civilisation does not measure superiority.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
One reason for the prohibition of plastic and pictorial arts amongst the Semitic peoples is the intention to prevent naturalistic deviations, a real danger among men whose mentality is predominantly individualistic and sentimental.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The nations of the West disowned their perfect traditional art in favor of the residues of the individualistic and empty art of the Graeco-Romans, which has finally led to the artistic chaos of the modern world.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
A thing is not only what it is for the senses, but also what it represents. Natural or artificial objects are not arbitrary symbols of a superior reality, but they are the effective manifestation of that reality.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Esoterism infuses an intellectual quality into the properly devotional part of the tradition, thereby establishing a balance the absence of which would finally bring about the dissolution of the whole civilization, as has happened in the Christian world.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The Indian surrounds himself with silence as with a magic circle. It is from this silence that the Indian draws his spiritual strength; his ordinary prayer is unvoiced: what it requires is not thought but consciousness of the Spirit.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
If the first and ultimate centre were not always present, it would never be possible to reach it.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Truth is not a product of the human mind
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
When standing before a cathedral, a person really feels he is placed at the center of the world; standing before a church of the Renaissance, Baroque, or Rococo periods, he merely feels himself to be in Europe.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Icon painters prepared themselves for their work by fasting, by prayer and by sacraments. They drew their creative joy from a loving recreation of the revealed prototypes, and this resulted in a perfection such as no individual genius could ever attain.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Western people look in a text for a meaning that is fully expressed and immediately intelligible, whereas Eastern peoples are lovers of verbal symbolism and read in depth. The words for them are reference points for a doctrine that is inexhaustible
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The periodic onset of corruption is in the nature of human frailty, the price of preventing it being an unsleeping vigilance of the Saints. Failing this protection, some need for readaptation (a reform in the strict sense of the word) may well arise.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The tiny system of images (the ego) must become, when its terrestrial contingency is left behind, a star immortalized in the halo of Divinity. Beyond the stars burns the Sun of the Self in its blazing transcendence and in its infinite peace.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
As long as your urge for truth affects your daily life, all is well with you.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Every man rules something which is placed in dependence on him, even if it is only his own soul, and every man is governed by something which surpasses him, even if it is only his own intellect.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
Theory is not an end in itself, it is only a key with a view to a cognition on the part of the Heart.
Traditional Quotes and Symbols:
The uniqueness of God excludes the uniqueness of the world. The infinity of God demands the repetition of the world.