msj99: Great Northern Diver, Gavia immer
festoon1: Black Hairstreak (Satyrium pruni)
grayjule02: IMG-20201028-WA0001
Judylynn M.: Beauty In The Canopy !!!!!
Judylynn M.: A Different View !!!!!!!!!!
LPJC: Colias euxanthe - Puna clouded yellow (male)
S Whitebread: Saturniidae, Eacles ormondei
hawk person: white-crowned parrots
LPJC: Charis anius (I think)
LPJC: Calephelis sp.
StuartJPP: Short-eared Owl taking off.
Stephen J Stephen: Common Grackle
Stephen J Stephen: Barn Swallow
Mick E. Talbot: 2014-06-Common Emerald
Roger H3: Banded demoiselle nymph
DebbieH82: Hairy Dragonfly, Brachytron pratense
Oliver C Wright: The Strid
mikepickwellwildimages: Padley Gorge, Derbyshire
DebbieH82: Snowcap Hummingbird
Stephen J Stephen: Strutting Their Stuff - Hooded Mergansers
Dennis Gurner: Mediterranean Gull - (Larus melanocephalus)
gailhampshire: Black Arches (Lymantria monacha). Lymantriidae, Male.
Copout2019: Bittern
Dillon27: Great Horned Owl
Roger H3: Reed Bunting male
DebbieH82: Snowcap Hummingbird ( Microchera albocoronata )
DebbieH82: Leafhopper
Roger H3: Azure damselfly imature male - Coenagrion puella
DebbieH82: Scutelleridae (Jewel bugs, Shield-backed bugs)