hawk person: immature common black hawk
hawk person: immature great black hawk
hawk person: spider monkey
hawk person: nicaraguan seed-finch
hawk person: blue-and-gold tanager
hawk person: white-throated shrike-tanager
hawk person: black-and-yellow tanager
hawk person: gray-crowned yellowthroat
hawk person: turquoise cotinga
hawk person: feeding junior at the ant swarm
hawk person: bare-crowned antbird male
hawk person: streak-crowned antvireo with a stick insect
hawk person: rufous-winged woodpecker
hawk person: keel-billed motmot
hawk person: crested owl
hawk person: turquoise-browed motmot
hawk person: tropical screech-owl
hawk person: pacific screech-owl
hawk person: middle american screech-owl
hawk person: pearl kite
hawk person: collared plover
hawk person: double-striped thick-knee
hawk person: fork-tailed flycatcher
hawk person: gray-rumped swift
hawk person: costa rican swift
hawk person: capuchin
hawk person: lesser violetear
hawk person: fiery-throated hummingbird
hawk person: purple-throated mountain-gem
hawk person: white-bellied mountain-gem