Joe Allen Photography: American Robin
David Bovet: The lilacs and her III
David Bovet: She was mist II
Elizabeth Gadd: Heavenly Meadows
rolanddoggitie: Z9R_9551
Cameala Freed: I got to spend some time with this neat Cecropia Moth this summer. I never seem to find the adults in this area. Perhaps the Whip-poor-wills are eating all of them!
Dackelpup: Olaf
Anto Camacho: The guide THE BEGINNING
ihikesandiego: Over the Top
A Sandberg: Sun in the leaf
dajethy: Reynisfjara Beach
shaun_jackson: Tollymore (Explored)
whitphotography: Clearing storm over Delicate Arch
millivedder: Barred owl
Todd Michael Photo: A Peaceful River Sands Of Time
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: A Salute to the King
CécileAF: Goutte à goutte d'urgence
jarnasen: To sail no more
mcalma68: Wild West Drive
ericnzhou: Long-eared Owl ADN ne saurait mentir