Cameala Freed:
Chasing sunsets, ducks and owls. Hooded Merganser
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Just a pair of Double-crested Cormorants on Summer morning
Cameala Freed:
The Wave! Female Long-tailed duck
Cameala Freed:
A Hoodie!
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Cameala Freed:
A Common Yellowthroat sitting in some native Dogbane.
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Good Morning Ruddy Duck.
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An Eastern Pondhawk cleaning its windshield.
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I think Ring-necked ducks are so moody and a bright and warm edit just didn't seem to match this guys vibe.
Cameala Freed:
A Horned Grebe I had a blast photographing
Cameala Freed:
I found this little Double-banded Grass-veneer while out in a meadow photographing birds.
Cameala Freed:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Cameala Freed:
Jagged Ambush Bug with an Ant friend on Iron Weed.
Cameala Freed:
Ruddy Duck
Cameala Freed:
Green Heron hanging out on the lake
Cameala Freed:
I got to spend some time with this neat Cecropia Moth this summer. I never seem to find the adults in this area. Perhaps the Whip-poor-wills are eating all of them!
Cameala Freed:
Caterpillar on Butterfly weed
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Ruddy Duck
Cameala Freed:
Hover fly
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Song Sparrow on Dewy morning
Cameala Freed:
Foggy morning Double-crested Cormorant on the river.
Cameala Freed:
This Pied-billed Grebe wanted to stay behind the reeds so I just shot through them.
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Ruby-throated Hummingbird on a stick
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Jagged Ambush Bug on Iron Weed
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Just a White-throated Sparrow
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Fall Red-breasted nuthatch
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Plantanthera peramoena
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Cape May Warbler
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Autumn Meadowhawk
Cameala Freed:
Swamp sparrow hanging out on some dewy Joe Pye weed