ludwig.roemer: Abbazia San Pietro in Valle
solecismus: Day 3959: living the dream
Rossoindia: on spiritual death and how to approach it XVIII (R10931)
toscano libero: Papaveri in collina
Images by Walter Lesus: Sunrise in the headlights [Illinois}
Maria Grazia Marrulli: MOSTRA Fotografica Personale "ACQUA ... FANTASIE ONIRICHE" n. 23
WillFlam: The Great American Solar Eclipse
이 기 섭 / Kisub Lee: . .................*
c.b387: Brèves de trottoir - Short pavement stories
Franco & Lia: Mountain creek
Franco & Lia: Granite rocks n. 20
Franco & Lia: Sardinian countryscape
Franco & Lia: Mountain lake
이 기 섭 / Kisub Lee: . ........... ..
solecismus: Day 3940: the beige nation
toscano libero: Montecatini Val di Cecina
Color-Solinar: Central City: modern lines
Amie Rae: Big City Stuff and Things
iessi: Reflection | This photo was taken 10 years ago, a time where the world and my life felt light and simple. The past few years have been up and down.. the state of the world, life changing events.. there's a heavier feel these days..
toscano libero: Chiesa nelle colline
tobyhume: "And smale fowles maken melodye,...
Franco & Lia: Torre del Bolo
solecismus: Day 3927: now showing
toscano libero: Dopo la pioggia
Franco & Lia: Tavolara
ludwig.roemer: Homeland mountains
auqanaj: Don't I like my old bike.