Bernzo: New shoes are like new beginnings. #hillstoovercome
spieri_sf: Today we released the new EyeEm app for iPhone and iPad. Apple features it as the best photo app in the App Store and we partner with Foursquare and The Huffington Post as new partners. Get it now.
eacohn: The best birthday greeting ever.
Xerxes2K: When Night Falls
Bernzo: Equinox had nothing to do with this. I just did 12 miles rowing in the bay :) #loverowingnow
spieri_sf: .@drew is one of my favorite people. And he just bought me a coffee. Dankeschön. at Sightglass Coffee
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Archive: Total Lunar Eclipse (NASA, Marshall, 12/10/11)
spieri_sf: Today's cooking experiment: Pollock with Frisée salad, lardons, and poached eggs Platedpics What's Cooking?
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Total Lunar Eclipse Over NASA's Johnson Space Center
eacohn: My Bat Mitzvah kippah on my sedar plate #timeflies
spieri_sf: First time getting a visitor badge with EyeEm on it. Pinterest at Pinterest
spieri_sf: DJ #YahooHQ
eacohn: Sashimi!
marissamayer: A fun Davos welcome from Credit Suisse :). Love the attention to detail - it's purple!
spieri_sf: Creepy Birthday Bunny #flickrhq
spieri_sf: Whoooooooooooosh
eacohn: and how I wish I was an ocean. Maybe then, I'd get to see you again.
eacohn: Brooklyn filter
eacohn: Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 12.58.44 PM
spieri_sf: The Flickr Team, September 2013
anandc1: Getting my Yahoo! TimeTraveler Alerts in Sfo!
BAPAX: Entre Jour et Nuit.
brettwayn: Here's looking at each other!