Xerxes2K: 6/365
Xerxes2K: 5/365
Xerxes2K: 4/365
Xerxes2K: 3/365
Xerxes2K: 2/365
Xerxes2K: 1/365
Xerxes2K: A New "Dawn"
Xerxes2K: One of us
Xerxes2K: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Xerxes2K: Peperomia
Xerxes2K: Just Laundry
Xerxes2K: Suburban Sunrise
Xerxes2K: Bavarian Brotzeit Platter
Xerxes2K: New Euphorbia Milii
Xerxes2K: Treat yourself well
Xerxes2K: Almond Treat
Xerxes2K: Warm Winter Day
Xerxes2K: So long, red & silver
Xerxes2K: Burglind has arrived
Xerxes2K: I ♥ Derry.
Xerxes2K: Game of Cards
Xerxes2K: UFO in the clouds... Or just a beautiful sunset. #spring
Xerxes2K: Happy Easter, Frohe Ostern and a wonderful springtime to all of you.
Xerxes2K: home sweet home
Xerxes2K: new day
Xerxes2K: Munich to ...
Xerxes2K: Obligatory airplane window shot
Xerxes2K: #25 Mirror
Xerxes2K: #24 Urban Wildlife