Greg Lavaty Photography: Dark-eyed Junco
arvind agrawal: Food coming in - IMG_7950
haiqta98: _DSC4916-Edit
Omnitrigger: Supernatural
Steve Zamek: Cedar Waxwing
E_Rick1502: Northern Pygmy Owl
arvind agrawal: Happy New Year!
E_Rick1502: Toot! Toot!
v_ac_md: swoop
Rudy578: Long-eared Owl with prey
arvind agrawal: What's Up, Doc! - IMG_4356
Rudy578: Long-eared Owl
Steve Zamek: White-tailed Kite
Rudy578: Long-eared Owl with prey
Bob Gunderson: Long-eared Owl
Thy Photography: Long Eared Owl (f) Long-eared Owl (Explored 12-4-21)
Omnitrigger: Horsetail Lava Flow
Dackelpup: Nanouk and Navajo The Keyhole at Pfeiffer Beach, Big Sur, California
Eric Lu Photography: Double-crested Cormorant caught a trout - X9B_8718-1 Northern Harriers 3541
Helen A Jones: Endurance #2 Piping Plover {Charadrius melodus}
Turk Images: Grizzly Bear
Helen A Jones: Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) Virgina Lake . St John's
Steve Zamek: Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Jasper's Human: 28/52 Inside Games
Jasper's Human: Australio-American Gothic 26/52
arvind agrawal: Perfect balance - IMG_4365-1