Eddie Bollent: sandwich tern 2
Eddie Bollent: cottonmouth
Mawrter: Savannah Sparrow. Thanks to Bruce Ripley for the ID help. Explored!! Thank you for the generous comments!!
RKop: Barred Owl (EXPLORE, 12/21/24, #171)
txetxugonzalezberrio: tela de araña
-=E.S.G=-: Morning light peaks through
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
thorstenroepke: Chapel and Chateau Hämelschenburg
smrc_: Look at me 🐆
Geoff Newhouse Photography: December 15, 2024.jpg
Geoff Newhouse Photography: December 15, 2024-2.jpg
Steve Everitt: _EVE9379
-=E.S.G=-: Last sunlight of the day
-=E.S.G=-: Final resting place
-=E.S.G=-: Fallen leaf on mossy rock
-=E.S.G=-: Morning light on moss
-=E.S.G=-: Fall color on Blackberry leaves
-=E.S.G=-: Japanes maple canopy
-=E.S.G=-: Embers of Autumn
-=E.S.G=-: Rain drops on the last leaf
-=E.S.G=-: Lone tree faces the sunset
-=E.S.G=-: Greens of the Californian sea shore
Guillau06: Vautour Fauve
artphoto3d: Fox on the hunt 3
artphoto3d: Cuckoo
artphoto3d: Crane on the meadow
Guillau06: Chevêchette d'Europe