Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Otoño en Puyehue - Paque Nacional Puyehue (Patagonia - Chile)
Matthieu Berroneau: Fire Salamander
ken.helal: Osprey Looks Over the Lake with Some Blood-Stained Feathers, Likely from a Recent Meal
Gabriel Cartes: Chuncho - Glaucidium nanum
A Antal: Cock-of-the-rock
Glenn Bartley - Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis)
SASPhotography67: Spring Vibes…
JensLPZ: The biggest owl in the world: Uhu (Bubo bubo) - Eurasian eagle-owl · · · (R5B_2971)
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Azor - Accipiter gentilis
jose.macedo: Abelharuco ; Bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
sandra bourgeois: Martre d'Amérique - Pine marten
sandra bourgeois: Martre d'Amérique - Pine marten
rio en medio - Jose On/Off: Ratonero - Buteo buteo
Andres Puiggros: Reflection in red
Hector16: Plains Giraffe
Hector16: Cheetah
Hector16: Gold Elephant
Hector16: Big Bull Elephant
Hector16: Lowland Gorilla - Silverback Mayelle
Hector16: Forest Elephant at Dzanga Bai
Hector16: The Sound of Dzanga Bai
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Loutre de rivière - River otter - Lontra canadensis
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Hibou moyen-duc - Long-eared owl - Asio otus
Paul B Jones: Barred Owl | Strix varia | Chouette rayée
Daniel Sziklai G.: Halcón Peregrino. Peregrine Falcon. Falco peregrinus cassini.
Gérard Cachon: Close encounter ...