swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Fascicled False Foxglove, Irwin prairie state preserve. Blooms August-October, habitat Dry prairie in the tall grass region. Range; Southereastern Kansas, Illinois,Ohio, Then southward.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
White Baneberry fruit, Evergreen lake Oak Openings preserve. Berries of this plant are extreamly poisonous.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Bull Thistle. Evergreen lake, Oak Openinmgs. Habitat Pastures, roadsides, waste places. Range: throughout North America except the arctic.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Virginia Creeper, Oak Openings. Autumn color These are about half changed and they add a red color dreeping up the trees that are just starting.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Fringed Gentian, rare Irwin Prairie state preserve.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
Closed Gentian, rare. ( bottle Gentian ) Irwin Prairie state preserve.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ):
This is a photo taken by Thomas Zalowski of a light house somewhere on Lake Michigan.
Don White (Burnaby):
Apricot Blossom. EXPLORE 25 Sept. 2022
Begoña Fernández:
The light