Lynn E. Leith: The Handmaid's Tale_10
Ulysses Odyssey: Frosty wind made moan
Potent2020: Here is the Rooster
strange_hair: books_1430301
s.heyer13: Little boats light their way home
jasonsimms1: Macro Mondays - Lit by Candlelight
wickettphoto: 2017-12-10_09-38-58
Clint__Budd: Don't Twist!
Joseph Hollick: Coffee Break
strjustin: Macro Mondays Button
jasonsimms1: Macro Mondays - If you pass go.....
strjustin: Black & Yellow Garden Spider 4
bbatley: Short-eared Owl
jasonsimms1: Macro Mondays - Silicone
Caroline.32: Cone Collection
ALOM ART: Mirazabin Mona
ertolima: Flickr-ing My Bic
Leipzig_trifft_Wien: #macromondays - Police Investigation
steveowen86: Autumn sunshine (let the sunshine in)
jasonsimms1: Macro Mondays - Members Choice - Musical Instruments
jasonsimms1: Stained light - Let the sunshine in
jasonsimms1: Kinder Low Summit
strjustin: Jack-O'-Lantern Water Drops
Gary Neville: 365 - Image 296 - Spiral...
jasonsimms1: Trent Sunrise
GlebLv: "L'Arrivée d'un train..."
strjustin: Spiral MacroMondays
andymoore732: Macro Mondays - Spiral - Filament Wire (In Explore 24th October 2017)