Epicuros: Kokkari, Isl. Samos (Greece)
Greg David: George Lake at Killarney
latentsifier: Allocation Mechanism
Slimdandy: The Sea Dreams of Itself
latentsifier: Descriptive Classification
BruceK: North slope at the Brick Works
panga_ua: Still Dreams In October Forest
titoalfredo: PARQUESOL ARBOL
jwvraets: Raindrop Bokeh
BruceK: October wind
Ben Roffelsen Photography: The Restless Night
Pavel M: Brookfield rays, Brookfield Place, Toronto, August 2015_DSC4988
titoalfredo: RAMAL DE CAMPOS
BruceK: Bird man
WernerKrause: hurry up
Sandra Herber: Yaquina Head
magda indigo: PROTEA 'pink ice' being PLAYFUL…
egoteabs: Tag Chantenay- Nantes
BruceK: Moonstruck
Jack Landau: Vanauley Street YMCA
egoteabs: BWE- 4232- Coup de vent sur le Vieux Môle-
bztraining: Dejected
BruceK: Chin up