weber.bert: Bozener Kruzifix
Maxi 66: ausgemustert...
Maxi 66: Manfred
Maxi 66: Haselnuss
Busy Bumblebee: Secret Language of a Rose
JörgDE: Framed Sunset ⭐ (explored)
womboyne7: Asian Small-clawed Otter -#6/100 x Water Theme 2025
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Sunset Over The Townhall
Carlo Tavallini: Pettirosso
Zunsler: Farblos und doch strahlend...
Geraldos : An early morning frosty scene . . .
BirdCraft: Southern Hawker (Aeshna cyanea) - Explored
meinhardfischer: Dubai 129 Sundown at the creek
captured by bond: R4_08990-
laurie.mccarty: D850_666 Happy Groundhog's Day! Groundhog predicts 6more weeks of winter!
Magic Moments by Pippa: Velvet Shank Fungus 25
gcampbellphoto: Irish Jay (Garrulus glandarius hibernicus) / Scréachóg
Croix-roussien: Winter panorama
quietpurplehaze07: in Chichester Cathedral
Jutta Achrainer: Lachmöwe am Inn, Passau
petra.wruck: Lassahn
hugo.ketelsbl: 202501foto-4
Excalibur67: Dentelles de givre II
petra.wruck: Blumenstrauß